Shadow Wolf

Shadow Wolf
I love wolves Dragons & JAGUARS!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hey people of the world,internet,and stalkers 0.0 (jk)!! I play this awesome game called! I play this usually when I am not on animaljam. This game is basically about connecting and making new friends! You start out as a avatar boy or girl whichever you choose. You can customize it however you want and have all the friends you want! If you wanna ever check it out or make one my username is jmoney12323 just tell me you saw my blog post and want to be my friend! Oh and the jmoney name is from my uncle he gave me that nickname when i was 3 xD! GOODBYE PEOPLE AND CHECK OUT WEEWORLD AND CREATE YOUR OWN WEEMEE (weemeee is the avatar name on weeworld)!!!

Your Host LOUIETHEMAN signing out!


  1. Its me sweet
    ill trade an orange (yah i said it)
    locket for ur freedom wings :D

  2. Dude wat did i tell you lol your orange ocket is nothing to my wings lol

  3. bigcatsfoever DCP MODOctober 21, 2011 at 5:52 PM

    >:( You unbuddied me louietheman!

  4. bigcatsfoever DCP MODOctober 21, 2011 at 5:53 PM

    But awesome blog.

  5. bigcatsfoever DCP MODOctober 21, 2011 at 5:57 PM

    Dude you love jaguars! I love jaguars to. Favorite bigcat in whole world! And favorite animal to! ;)

  6. LOL! U R so funny! "stalkers" lol. Nice blog though. I have two. We should hang out sometime on animal jam. My user is: hinwer (which is also my YouTube username) Bye!


  7. Dude,I know you, you may not know me but I know you. You have a very, very rare item its a freedom item a very rare freedom item
